FUN Tokenomics
Total Supply
550,000,000 FUN
Initial Allocation
1% (5,500,000 FUN)will be used for the initial liquidity pool
1% (5,500,000 FUN) for IDO (Initial DEX Offering),a total of 100,000 USDT will be initially released, with 30% being unlocked upfront, and the remaining amount will be linearly released over a period of 10 months.
1% (5,500,000 FUN) for Airdrop
20% (110,000,000 FUN) will be used for mining
20% (110,000,000 FUN) for Trading Rewards
24% (132,000,000FUN)for ecological support
5%(27,500,000FUN) will be allocated to community
13%(71,500,000FUN) for marketing
15%(82,500,000FUN) reserved for the team building
Last updated